『失職女子。』の音がする!非常階段とノイズ系音楽 Sounds Like "Shisshoku-Joshi"! Hijokaidan and Nois Music




 Yesterday I heard this music by the Japanese band "Hijokaidan" and thought

"This music sounds like how I fel, when I lost my job, got rejected from 100 jobs and was told to leave my apartment!"




 In the  past I didn't really understand the music genre called "noise" (like the band BOREDOMS or other contemporary atonal music). However, now, when I see movies like the above, I'm able to FEEL something.








 After publishing of "Shisshoku Joshi" people asked me
"What does is feel like to lose your job and home at the same time?"
 A question which I've never been able to answer. 

 At that time, I couldn't sleep well since the noise of my own screaming would wake me up. However, saying "I felt constant fear as though I was screaming all the time" in words just doesn't quite communicate to the person who has never experienced it. 



 Today, I'm feel that these "noise" music expresses that desparate fear which I still can't quite put into words. 





 To be able to understand something that I didn't before is sweet; I'm sort of pleased by my evolution. The experience I despised before may have been just what I needed to grow and to build a better understanding of the world.